Friday, October 23, 2015

My Challah Recipe

Challah is the cornerstone of Jewish cooking. Making Challah it is not only meaningful but also highly rewarding. It connects us with our heritage and our childhood memories. This is my rendition of Challah, one that I have made for family and friends for years.

In this video I explain my recipe for making Challah. I hope you like it and make your own next Friday.

Shabbat Shalom!

Master Challa Recipe from Jamie Geller's Blog Joy of Kosher

Not only Jamie is an amazing cook but also she is funny and engaging, and very, very cool. At least this is my opinion. She made Aliah some years ago so now she is living her dream and cooking for Israelies.

In this video she will show how to cook the most awesome Challah and tell us even what to do with the leftovers (if any). Ladies and Gentlemen, Challah by Jamie Geller: